For over 60 Years MacPherson
Leather, a family owned business, has been supplying Leather
and Shoe Craftsmen with the Tools, Leather, Soling, Laces, Insoles,
Books, and all the supplies essential to operating a Retail Shoe
When you contact MacPherson,
tell them you saw their contact page on the ShoeSchool Website.
They will create a Personal Account in your name. This will make
it easier to keep track of the tools and materials that you purchase,
for future reference, and it will entitle you to special offers
that are available to ShoeSchool Participants.
Link to Website
You will be directed to right
person to help you with:
- Books
- Hand Tools
- Shoemaking Supplies
- Leather
- Insoles
- Adhesives
- Outsoles
- Dyes & Finishes
- Hardware
- Craft Supplies